A rainbow seen through trees out of a car window

Catalog of Obscure Joys

Because the Catalog of Obscure Sorrows has had far too much cultural impact.

Share Your Joy

Alex T. Dragonson, 2022/12/10

Alex T. Dragonson, 2022/12/10

Realizing you misread the clock and you're 20 minutes early, instead of 20 minutes late.

Rockario, 2022/12/10

Seeing someone's face light up after you did a tiny thing for them, like holding open a door.

Anke, 2022/12/10

Finding an album or song you haven't listened to in years and realising you like it more now than you used to.

bentosmile, 2022/12/11

That moment when you go back to something and you understand it in a new way.

SkySailor, 2022/12/11

Rubbing your eyes after taking your contacts out!

JGarfink, 2022/12/11

When you fall asleep on the couch but you are still conscious enough to notice someone putting a blanket on you and you feel loved and cared for as you sink deeper into your nap

ZenobiaVayne, 2022/12/11

Finishing up a bottle of something (shampoo, ketchup, etc.) that you've been virtuously working to use the last scrapes out of, and getting to open a fresh one.

Ruthanna Emrys, 2022/12/11

Watching yourself heal--whether physically in the mirror, or by acknowledging all the things that are easy now but were difficult or impossible days, weeks, or months ago.

Alex T. Dragonson, 2023/06/15

Cooking a new recipe and having it come out perfect.

Irina, 2024/02/28

Russ Sharek, 2024/02/28

Sarah, 2024/03/08

Kate Bowles, 2024/03/08