Because the Catalog of Obscure Sorrows has had far too much cultural impact.
- Arriving in an unfamiliar place and seeing someone you recognize.
- Returning home to find everything exactly as you left it.
- Remembering you have a new tattoo and thinking "oh good, I don't have to keep drawing it."
- Lying down and closing your eyes at the end of a long day.
- Seeing a digital clock display tick over.
- The lightness of your head after a haircut.
Alex T. Dragonson, 2022/12/10
- Putting your glasses on after cleaning them.
- Waking up next to your partner.
- Getting home and taking off your mask.
- Your best friend sending you a People Hugging emoji.
- Realizing something isn't your problem and delegating accordingly.
- Showing your art to people who appreciate it.
Alex T. Dragonson, 2022/12/10
Realizing you misread the clock and you're 20 minutes early, instead of 20 minutes late.
Rockario, 2022/12/10
Seeing someone's face light up after you did a tiny thing for them, like holding open a door.
Anke, 2022/12/10
Finding an album or song you haven't listened to in years and realising you like it more now than you used to.
bentosmile, 2022/12/11
That moment when you go back to something and you understand it in a new way.
SkySailor, 2022/12/11
Rubbing your eyes after taking your contacts out!
JGarfink, 2022/12/11
When you fall asleep on the couch but you are still conscious enough to notice someone putting a blanket on you and you feel loved and cared for as you sink deeper into your nap
ZenobiaVayne, 2022/12/11
Finishing up a bottle of something (shampoo, ketchup, etc.) that you've been virtuously working to use the last scrapes out of, and getting to open a fresh one.
Ruthanna Emrys, 2022/12/11
Watching yourself heal--whether physically in the mirror, or by acknowledging all the things that are easy now but were difficult or impossible days, weeks, or months ago.
Alex T. Dragonson, 2023/06/15
Cooking a new recipe and having it come out perfect.
Irina, 2024/02/28
- The remaining warmth of a mug in your hands after consuming a hot beverage.
- Finding a comprehensive and useful answer to an important question from a pleasant conversation with a friend.
- The feeling of your toes gently rubbing an interestingly textured carpet.
- The satisfying click of a mechanical switch.
- Learning a word or phrase in a language foreign to you which better describes something you experience.
Russ Sharek, 2024/02/28
- Clicking a ball point pen.
- A completely blank piece of paper yet to contain thoughts and dreams.
- Walking barefoot.
- Riding down any small hill on a bike and yelling WHEEEEEEEE!
- When your cat reaches out her arm to touch your leg and says 'mrrrrp?'
- A cool drink of water on a hot day when you are very thirsty.
- Being the first to make foot prints in the snow.
- The smell of dirt.
Sarah, 2024/03/08
- Letting your feet get caught by a small wave.
- A smooth tumbled stone at the beach.
- A lost earring, found and reunited with its pair.
- A new fern frond.
- The sound your dog makes when she’s dreaming.
Kate Bowles, 2024/03/08